Why Success Has No Boundaries

Why Success Has No Boundaries

As Sophia Amoruso points out on our weekly Girlboss Radio podcast, it’s time to change up the stale notions of what being successful looks like. Success doesn’t have to be defined by superficial markers like fame and fortune, it can absolutely be based on what you decide. Maybe success for you looks like being able to make time for self-care, being able to purchase a home, or the ability to balance your work life with your love for travel. Bottom line, the definition of success is boundless.

We’ve rounded up a few quotes from star entrepreneurs, authors, thinkers, and other accomplished women, who shared their insight with Girlboss on how to pave your own way to success, or what success looks like for them. Ahead, eight women drop some serious wisdom:

“What are you trying to create? Are you trying to create empowerment or passion within yourself and for others? Are you trying to create inspiration or confidence? Are you trying to create acceptance or peace? What are you trying to create? If you could pick one thing, just have it in your mind and pick that. And I would suggest that you call that your vision and you call that your north star, and you make that the thing that guides everything that you do.” —Kate Simmons, COO of Wundabar

“When you do start a brand on your own, you’re already authentic because you’re being you, and you’re creating something you’re really passionate about. That will come through. What’s made us authentic, I think, is the way we photograph things. When we present things, we really focus on inspiration first and, and we want people to be engaged with our content and imagery. And, that’s the #1 compliment we get: ‘Ah, she feels so authentic.’” —Lisa Williams, Founder of Lisa Says Gah

“I had my personal life and then I had my work life. And the way to be a balanced person was to very much separate them. And be like, ‘No, this is me there, this is me here.’ What I’ve actually found [though] that has made me feel more balanced [is] combining the two… It’s having this life where people understand that what I’m doing isn’t necessarily work for me. People are like, ‘All you do is talk about work.’ And then I’m like, ‘No dude, I’m talking about what makes me excited to get out of bed every morning.’ Inviting the people in my life to be a part of that with me, has completely changed my energy levels.” —Sara Wilson, Founder of SW Projects/ journalist, digital strategist

“Success has to be more than financial. It’s being able to give as much as you take.”—Roxanne Gay, author and cultural critic

“[Success is] speaking up and finding my voice and not letting fear stop me from doing things.”—Lisa Price, Founder of Carol’s Daughter

“Success means it’s two things: It’s happiness and it is the ability to do what you love the most.”—Rupi Kaur, poet, artist, and performer

“Success, to me, has always been taking care of the immediate people around me: my family, my friends. If every single person on earth took care of the people immediately around them, we would have an overnight utopia on earth.” —Michelle Phan, Founder of Ipsy

“Success is waking up in the morning and feeling super-charged. Like so eager for the day. If I could wake up every morning and feel like I am suppose to be here—the earth is not rejecting me, that’s enough.” —Leandra Medine, Founder of Man Repeller